Monday, December 14, 2009

The Gold Star Challenge-Giving Out Gold-Join Me and WIN A FREE BOOK!

CONTEST:  Win a FREE book!  All you have to do is post a comment below about my GOLD STAR CHALLENGE.  I'll choose three winners next Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2009.  There are three books, so odds are in your favor.  Winners will receive Jewel Adams, "The Journey"; or Liz Adair's "Counting the Cost"; or Joyce Depastena's "Illuminations of the Heart."  Just think, you'll have something to read while you recover from the hectic holiday rush!  

Okay, so, I've been thinking about creating a Gold Star Chart for my 4 1/2 year old to motivate her to stay in her Sunday school class at Church.  We've just moved and so she's been leary about her new friends, new classroom, and new church building.  At her age, gold stars go a long way.  She loves seeing that row of gold grow across the page and sometimes that does the trick to help her do better at whatever I'm trying to teach her.

Well, it got me thinking about Gold Stars, and how it's been a while since I received a gold star.  As a mother of four children, I do a lot of things that should earn me a gold star.  Like doing the dishes.  I washed all the Sunday dishes, all by myself, and because it's Sunday we dirty a lot of dishes.  The sink and counters were overflowing with plates, cups, bowls, and silverware.  After I was done, I thought to myself, "I earned a gold star for that."  But nobody gave me one.  Nobody clapped their hands and jumped up and down and said, "Jodi, you are such a good dish washer."  As I dried that last dish and placed it in the cupboard, I pictured my husband placing a gold star on my forehead and my children surrounding me with clapping hands and patting me on the back.  I liked it.

Getting a Gold Star just makes you feel good.  You remember how it felt, don't you?  Which...brings me to my point that no matter how old we are, no matter what we've achieved in life, we all crave positive feedback.  We all need that pat on the back, that "A" for effort, or that gold star that tells us that we're doing great!  So, here's another thought; as much as we'd like to receive a gold star, how often do we give a gold star?  GIVING OUT gold stars, or compliments, or positive feedback in general, also feels really good because the person you're giving it to feeds you positive energy right back.  It's a win-win!   

So, here is the GOLD STAR CHALLENGE.  This week is going to be my GOLD STAR week.  And, it's most appropriate for the holidays because on top of my Christmas tree is, in fact, a gold star.  It's a great reminder that I need to give GOLD STARS to my husband, to my children, to my friends, and even to strangers.  I'm so excited!  Even the check out lady at Wal-mart is going to get a gold star from me today, I can just feel it.  And I can't wait!  This will be the best week ever because I'm going to set a goal to give out 100 gold stars.  Ya, think I can do it?  Piece-a-cake.
JOIN ME in the GOLD STAR CHALLENGE and WIN a FREE BOOKSo, if you're interested in joining me, give out as many gold stars as you can and POST your experience in the comments below.  Next Tuesday, December 22, 2009, I'll post the THREE winners.

Let's give out a little gold!  I'll report back and let you know what I did with all of my gold stars.  I'd love to know what you did with yours. 

I did receive a wonderful Gold Star this morning from a reader of my book, "Women of Virtue."  It's so nice when someone takes the time to email you and tell you that you've made a difference in their life.  Seriously, it's worth more than gold.  So, thanks to Elizabeth Adams, I'm starting off my Monday with an imaginary Gold Star on my forehead...and I feel like a winner.  Thanks, Elizabeth.  You gave me a Gold Star and because of you I'm passing along Gold Stars to everyone I meet for the rest of the week. 

Dear Jodi,
I don't know if you remember me but I'm Elizabeth Adams.  You gave a talk at my church, at our 'Young Women in Exellence' night.  You gave me your book, "Women of Virtue", and I just finished reading it, and I just had to thank you. It's my new favorite book! I think I cried three times while reading it! It was so inspirational and I just wanted to thank you for giving me a copy. I feel that your book is a such a gift to all women and I so hope you keep writing. Your book really touched my heart, and I just want to, again, thank you so, so much.


Elizabeth Adams

Again, thanks Elizabeth.  Your Gold Star was as good as gold.


  1. Yeah! i don't have to tweet this of Facebook this message or anything--unless I want to...thanks for that! YES! I love books! I have your virtue book but ever since we moved, to be honest I can't find the book. Must. Find. Your. Book. EEK!

    Any of those books would be fun. But i think the last one would be most fun to read--inspirations of the heart...THANKS! Merry Christmas!

  2. Okay Jodi, I am in! I am going to try to spread "good cheer" and appreciation all week. I already have several people in mind who should get a gold star; my drycleaner, Mr. Doo, the extremely helpful sales person at my favorite Hallmark store, the list can go on and on!
    What a great idea! If I had more readers, I would put the word out on my blog, but as far as I know, I only have three or four :)

  3. Tacey and Jodi - I'm in too! What a great idea!!! I, too, have several people in mind that can receive a gold star already. One of them is a dear friend/neighbor/ward member that is always on the "service path" to those around her. She just has this nack for keeping everyone's needs and/or "going ons" in mind and she keeps up with everyone of them! if someone is down, she's the first one to just show up and help! When she heard I was laid-up with a huge bulging disc and couldn't sit, she came over and massaged my feet with Essential Oils and talked and relaxed me. That's just how she is. :)

    Thanks for the inspiration to do this! Wonderful for Christmas time!

  4. What a great idea Jodi, I know I don't give enough "gold stars" to my family and its amazing what a positive comment can do--especially for my husband. So I'm on it and I'll keep you posted.

  5. I talked with our friend at Fresh Hair today. She gets a gold star and I give a BIG one to YOU...except I don't have any real ones to give. But I am sending one to you via email anyway! Love the idea Jodi. I am going to give them away too, starting first with my husband and sons. They deserve some. And I hope I get some back!

  6. Jodi-When I read your book, I have to tell you how much it helped me to have a better self-image. I was so uplifting and helped me remember my true potential as a daughter of God. I bought copies for my sisters and daughters, and even sent one to my daughter on a mission in Paraguay to read with her companion. I love to have it as a reference, because it is so easy to open and read a chapter, and it is all such a great reminder that I don't have to sit and read the whole thing again. I need to though, it's been some time, but I've given all the books away and didn't save one for me. I've loved getting to know you and appreciate so much you coming to speak to the young women in our stake. I had one mother say that her daughter has a hard time going to young women. She is really shy, but came to our Standard's night that you spoke. She loved it and has come to young women ever since. Thanks for making in a difference in so many lives. Have a Merry Christmas!
    Love, Kathy Edwards

  7. Jody, Thanks for the challenge. We all need to be reminded occasionally to give more "Gold Stars" to those around us. It has been a really busy couple of days, but I have tried to say THANK YOU to those who have worked hard on something which brought me pleasure and joy during this busy season. Doing so has helped me keep the "reason for the season" in mind through the hustle and bustle.

    Again, THANK YOU for the challenge and the reminder. You are an inspiration to me since I first met you over 4 years ago. Keep us the good work you are doing!!

    :) Pat

  8. I love this idea. There's a lady who lives not far from us who spent her life serving others in the state and community. Now, in her mid-eighties, she struggles to make it through each day. Those around her seem to have forgotten she changed many lives for the better. I'm going to start with her...

  9. Hi Jodi,
    Count me in! I love this idea! This challenge has come at a most perfect time of year! I have noticed that when I focus more on others, I seem to forget about my own self pitty. It's amazing what a little compliment can do. Not only for the person you have given it to, but for the person who gave it.

  10. what an awesome challenge; I already gave dh a gold star twice this week. He went to the grocery store and came home with a bonus - a lovely green, red and white bouquet of flowers for Christmas. I told him on separate occasions how nice it was and thanked him for bringing it home. Dh doesn't do this often so it was very nice.

  11. This is so wonderful to do something like this. I think a gold star would go to anyone who goes the extra mile and is positive. I think that the positive attitude that you are trying to spread is awesome and will make the world a little brighter. My sisters have always been gold star people to me because they still listen when I am in a bad mood.You are such a wonderful author!

    Thanks everyone for taking the GOLD STAR CHALLENGE. I'll do it again in 2010! You're all teriffic! Merry Christmas.

