No Sew Scarf
Email me for the master quote list.
Fill a decorated mason jar with positive thoughts, quotes, and scriptures. A perfect service project for any size group. To donate to House of Hope or The Utah House, email me at
PA jars at young womens camp are easier if you use paper boxes. Chinese-like boxes work great.
You can buy boxes like these on line, at Michael's Craft Store, or at Expedex.
Boxes make the Positive Affirmation project very user friendly.
* Clear plastic box/purse are also an option, especially if you used colored paper for the quote strips. So darling! Decorate the boes with with embellishments, stick-ons, ribbon, and two dimensional stickers and wallah! An absolutely lovely to die for gift! food/truffle/2-3-4-x-5-1-2-x- 1-7-16-food-safe-box-25- pieces-fpb230.html

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