For several years, I've had church groups and neighborhood groups make these jars for the women in my classes at House of Hope (a drug treatment center in downtown Salt Lake). By far it's the most popular service project.
POSITIVE AFFIRMATION JARS: The jar shown directly above obviously is filled with candy. But, I loved how it was decorated. The idea of a PA jar is this--to fill it full of folded pieces of paper that contain a positive thought, quote, or scripture. I have a template for the quotes, if you're interested. Email me at Otherwise, you can download your favorite scriptures or quotes and put them on a strips of paper and fill the jar with them. There are a ton on Pinterest.
Decorate the jar with paper, fabric, whatever tickles your fancy. Mod Podge or Decoupage works great! For the top, you can use paper, or material. A Girl Scout group glued a fake flower on the lid and wrapped ribbon wrapped around the rim. That was adorable! You can do just about anything to make them look cute.