Oh, how I loved the Young Women General Broadcast this past month, particularly Sis. Dalton's talk on being Guardians of Virtue. Now, you might think I loved it so much because I happen to be the author of a book called Women of Virtue. Not so. Just take a look at this picture and you'll see my two best reasons why I love the thought of being a Guardian of Virtue.
These are my two oldest daughters. To me they are precious, and bcause I am their mother I have the privilege of teaching them about virtue; how virtue brings true happines, strength, and wisdom to one's self and to others.
Because of my book, I have spoken to hundreds of Young Women and Relief Society sisters on the subject of virtue, for the last two years. I can attest there are many good and virtuous young women and women willing to stand as Guardians of Virtue. For that I am grateful.
In the words of Sis. Dalton, "Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to be happy. The way to do this is to 'walk in the paths of virtue' and 'cleave unto [your] covenants. In a world ever growing in moral pollution, tolerance of evil, exploitation of women, and distortion of roles, you must stand guard of yourself, your family, and all those with whom you associate. You must be guardians of virtue."
My name is Jodi Robinson.
And I am Guardian.
And I will stand as a witness at all times, and all things, and in all places, as I strive to live the Young Women values.
And I do all of this because I belive in being a Guaridan of Virtue.
Do you?