Holidays are almost here and I have 2 fabulous GIFT IDEAS for you!
And, yes, they both have to do with my books, Precious in His Sight and A Royal Guardian.
But hey! I promise they're good ideas.
GIFT #1: The Ruby Secret
My first chapter in my book, Precious in His Sight, is called "The Ruby Secret."
In it I tell why rubies are so precious and rare and why God declared a woman's worth MORE precious than even one of the rarest and most precious gems of all!
So, give my book, and a beautiful piece of jewelry with a note explaining you are giving her
THE RUBY SECRET . . . a priceless gift to help her see herself the way God sees her
--as MORE precious than rubies.
Here are some reasonably priced rubies I have found to go along with my book.
GIFT #2: Royal Guardian
This book tells all about the 8 precious gems that define a young woman's values.
Faith is the white diamond.
Divine Nature is the blue sapphire.
And so on and so on.
In this book, Brina's father, the King, gives her a letter every night, along with a new
jeweled-charm for her bracelet. to remind her of the values he wants her to guard.
Each explanation is filled with imagery to help your daughter remember
the meaning behind each precious value. And, I promise, once your daughter
reads them she won't forget!
Give her a necklace or bracelet to go along with book. :)) She will love it!
Here are some jewelry ideas and links to where you can buy them.