Last night I was helping my son with his spelling words. He had to write one sentence for each word on his list. One of the words was beautiful. "Okay, Cody," I said. "This is the last sentence and then it's bedtime." He busily started writing as I walked over to the sink to get a drink. The next thing I knew he had set down his pencil and placed his paper in his homework folder. I then kissed him goodnight and tucked him in bed.
Well, after school today, Cody brought me his homework folder. To my surprise, I pulled out his spelling sentence sheet and there on line number seven he had written, "My mother is beautiful." He stood there looking at me as if he knew what it would mean to me. And he was right. It meant the world to me. I squeezed him, kissed his head, and said, "Oh, Cody. That is so sweet." He smiled a satisfied smile. Cody's homework page is now posted on my dressing table mirror. I think that's where it will stay for a very long time.
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