Friday, November 6, 2009

Don't Underestimate Your Influence--Speaking in Ogden, Utah

North Ogden Young Women.  (Paige is the second on the left.)

A few weeks ago, my book "Women of Virtue" was featured on a Book Review Blog and featured as a giveaway.  After the contest was over, I was given the winner's email address and name.  I quickly sent her an email to congratule her on being the winner and to get her address so I could mail her my book.  I mentioned to her that I spoke at firesides, etc., and to keep me in mind as a future speaker.

Well, I heard back from this winner shortly after she had received my book.  She said she enjoyed my book and wondered if I'd be willing to speak to her Young Women's group in Ogden.  Her email said the Young Women's president would be calling me to go over a few things.  I was excited.

"Paige just loved your book," the president said to me on the phone.  "And the message of your book is so right on with our Young Women's in Excellence theme."  After a long conversation, she said, "We'd love to have you as our guest speaker."  I told her I was grateful to Paige for passing along my information and that I truly believed that the message I had to share with the girls would strengthen their testimonies of virtue.  We ironed out the details and that was it. 

The night I was scheduled to speak, I arrived about 30 minhtues early.  The young women were practicing their musical number so I quietly went about setting up my computer.  I looked around wondering which leader was Paige.  I realized I didn't know what she looked like and figured she would introduce herself to me evenutally.  Shortly after I arrived a woman walked over to me, extended her hand, and I figured, she must be Paige.

"I'm Ellie, the Young Women's president.  Thank you so much for coming." 

"I'm so glad to be here and that song sounded beautiful,"  I replied.  For the moment, I forgot about her not being Paige and focused on getting ready to speak. 

Ellie asked me if I needed any help.  "No, I'm good, thanks."  I proceeded to get my computer set up and then greeted some of the guests as they arrived.  I kept looking around the room hoping that Paige would come meet me.  

Well, Ellie started the meeting.  And still no Paige.  We sang the opening song.  A prayer and the Young Women's theme was said.  And then the president stood to say a few words. 

"We are so excited to have our speaker tonight, Jodi Robinson.  And I'm now going to turn the time over to Paige to introduce her because she is the reason Jodi is here."  This is it!  I thought.  I'll finally find out which one of these women is the person who is responsible for inviting me here.  Yea! 

I then saw a lovely woman sitting across the room glace at the girl sitting next to her.  She gave her little nudge.  The girl stood up and walked up to the podium with a paper in hand.  Pagie?  Paige is one of the young women?  I had no idea.  It turned out that Paige is a second year Mia Maid.  She was the winner of the contest.  She was the one who had read my book and told her Young Women leaders about it.

Come to find out Paige had lobbied the Young Women's presidency for me to come and speak.  "Jodi has got to come and speak to us," she told them.  Wow!  Now I know why the young women's president had so many questions for me when she called me.  It wasn't a fellow young women's leader, or even a mother, who had made the suggestion that I speak.  It was one of her young women and she just wanted to make sure everything was kosher if they were going to have a guest speaker.  Once Paige finished introducing me, I walked over and gave her a great big hug.

"Paige, from your emails I had no idea you were one of the young women.  I am so touched that you would go to all this trouble to get me to come and speak," I told the audience.  I told her parents they should be awfully proud of their daughter being so professional and grown up.  She was polite, so together, and very gracious. 

Ellie, the young women's president, explained to me after the meeting that Paige had come to a planning meeting all excited about "Jodi Robinson and her book 'Women of Virtue'."  She was confident the message was just what the young women needed.  And so Ellie promised she would look into who I was and what my book was about.  Which she did. 

Thanks to Paige and her willingless to put herself out there, I was able to meet the young women and mothers in North Ogden.  And they were wonderful!  Wednesday night was a great experience.  Thanks to a Mia Maid named Paige. 

Don't ever underestimate your influence.  Whatever your age or your life's circumstance, you have the ability to influence.  And when you use your influence for good, good things happen.  Paige is proof of that. 

Thanks, Paige!


  1. What a great experience. I'm glad you shared it. I was released from YW a couple of months ago. This makes me miss them even more.

  2. Jodi, thank you! That is so so so sweet!
