Having an activity about VIRTUE?
Here's some IDEAS for Young Women Handouts.
Occasionally, I receive emails asking me for ideas regarding handouts and for lessons and activities on VIRTUE. Here are a few that I share regularly. I'd love to share them with YOU.
When I give my "BEAUTY OF VIRTUE" presentation, I use three symbols: Gold, a Lily, and a Ruby. You may have some other ideas, so if you do, please post your comments or email me. I'd love to add to my list!
VIRTUE is the color GOLD. I love this quote from Sister Dalton: "The value of virtue has been given a symbolic color, like the other values. The color of virtue is gold because gold is pure. It shines. It is soft, not harsh or brash. It is precious. Gold must be refined. As you live a pure and virtuous life, you will be refined by your life's experiences, and as you "trust in the Lord" (Proverbs 3:5) and draw closer to Him, He will "make [your] hearts as gold" (Roger Hoffman, "Consider the Lilies"). Scrapbooking stores have things that could easily represent gold. I found these gold heart charms that would be perfect hanging from a bookmark with Sister Dalton's quote. Here's the link: http://www.robertscrafts.com/default.aspx?PageID=47&CategoryID=399&ProductID=15246&RootCatCode=07000. The heart charms say "Made with love." They are $2.99 a package. And 75 come in a pkg. An excellent reminder that God made us out of love so that we could become like him. They are tiny, but just darling.
Print a scripture or quote and decoupage' it on a tile. Then tie a gold ribbon around the tile with the heart dangling from it. Have you ever done decoupage' on tiles? You print 4X6 photos but only use 4X4 for the actual printing space. You need to use an imaging program to change the size to 4X4. Mod podge the photo onto a bathroom tile that you buy at Home Depot for about .15 cents. Then you use a clothes pin hot glued on the back to get the tile to stand up. Does that make sense? I've attached a 12X12 tile that I made with a different saying on it. In fact, it has the lily on it. So you can see what I have made. I digitally scrapbook the image in my scrapbooking program. You can see how I tied the ribbon around the tile. So, the little gold heart could hang on the ribbon around the tile. If you are interested in using my lily tile, you're welcome to it. I would need to send you the file in a 4X4 that could be printed on a 4X6 and then cut down to size to fit the tile. I'm happy to share.
- I love the idea of making a Lily to wear in your hair. Hair clips are inexpensive. You could hot glue a lily on a clip for each girl. "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow..." That beautiful passage of scripture is perfect to help remind us that Heavenly Father clothed the lilies, and if he clothed the lilies and worries about them, and toils over them, then why would he not do that for us, his daughters.
- Of course having something that represents the ruby would be wonderful. You can use glass floral marbles. Sometimes it's called sea glass. They come in different shapes. Here's a link that might get you started thinking. There is one on the list that is in the shape of a heart. 25 come in a package and they're only $4.99 per pkg. They have circular red marbles as well. A nice handout would be a note card that gives the scripture: "A virtuous woman is more precious than rubies." http://www.megaglass.com/mm5/merchant.mvc? Here's the link for the site I've used. Red Rubie Floral Marbles
- Okay, and then another idea would be to find tiny, little glass viles and put red glitter inside and then hang a ribbon from it like a necklace. The glitter, of course, represents the ruby! The viles have a miniature cork at the top. I have one with fairy dust in it that was given to me as a gift by a dear friend. Here's the link so you can see what I mean as far as the vile goes. Some local bead stores probably carry them. I've never checked Michaels or Roberts. With a ribbon hanging from it, it could be a necklace. Small Glass Viles for necklance
- My publisher sells these VIRTUE PENCILS. They are gold pencils with VIRTUE inscribed on them. They're inexpensive as well. Here's the link: Virtue Pencils.
- If you're looking for rubies to give your girls, you can use floral marbles or plastic jewels. Here's the link for the site I've used. Red Rubie Floral Marbles
Have a wonderful day!
True beauty is felt more than it is seen.
For more information about my presentation, "The Beauty of Virtue", email me at jodirobinson2182@hotmail.com.
"Jodi, what you did for me and my daughter was amazing.
Thank you." --Lisa, Utah
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