“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13).
With each layer of batter I pour, I’m teaching. I’m layering on their spiritual armor. Subtly, of course. Like cracking an egg ever so slyly as not to disturb the yoke, I carefully listen for cues and turn them into teaching moments in good faith that on another Friday night, when my daughter and her friends aren’t hovering around my counter that they are protected by those layers of armor.
Years ago, I had no idea that crepe-making had anything to do with putting on the armor of God. But it sure does! It’s called T-I-M-E. And I use that time to advise, teach, set expectations, and build relationships of trust with my teens and their friends. And guess what? I do it with more than crepes. That’s why you see me driving a mini-van full of girls to Arctic Circle for shakes on a school night or to Ulta to buy lip-gloss! I’m creating those moments when I can add another layer of armor. So much happens in the car ride and around the kitchen counter. And it’s a beautiful thing to “be there” adding layer, after layer, after layer.
Oops! I dropped an egg on the floor. And laughter ensues. And it’s a beautiful thing.
RECIPE: Basic Crepes
Recipe by Our Best Bites
2 eggs
2 Tbs canola oil
3 Tbs sugar (omit if making savory crepes)
1 C flour
1 1/3 C milk
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on low speed until combined, or whisk by hand until there are no lumps. Heat a non-stick skillet to medium-high heat. Hold pan with one hand while you pour the batter with the other hand. Twirl the pan in a circular motion pouring just enough batter to coat the bottom of the pan. Place on cooking surface and cook until edges are set and you can easily run a rubber spatula around the edge of the pan, 30 seconds. Flip crepe and cook an additional 15-20 seconds. Remove crepe from pan and either keep warm in the oven or cool to room temperature. Fill with your choice of savory (meat, cheese, vegetable) or sweet (pudding, mousse, pastry cream, fruit) filling. Top sweet crepes with with Strawberry Sauce, Buttermilk Caramel Syrup, Hot Fudge, or just a dusting of powdered sugar and sweetened whipped cream. Unfilled crepes can be stacked between sheets of waxed paper and refrigerated or frozen. To thaw, leave at room temperature. Makes 12-14 8″ crepes.
The BEST tutorial for CREPES I've found is on the Our Best Bites website. Here’s the link: Our Best Bites
I love it! Next time I get the boys pizza when their friends are over I'll have to consider crepes...or atleast the concept. Thanks Jodi!