Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Let Him In
IDEA for a handout for Young Womens or Relief Socieity. Email me at, and I'll send you the file. You will receive a JPG minus the "Merry Christmas", of course. Then, all you have to do is print these as 4X6 photos and wallah!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sweet Service with Candy Posters
Okay, all you Young Women Leaders! Activity Day Leaders!
And MOMS needing a fun service-oriented Family Home Evening!
Get ready for some SWEET SERVICE.
Here is a fanstaticaly FUN service activity! That won't seem boring at all. (And yea, sometimes youth think service is boring. But it's not! And this is a great way to spark some interest in reaching out and uplifting others.)
Make CANDY GRAMS. Here's how.
1) Buy 10 Candy Bars (or how every many you like) and 2 large posters.
2) Divide the girls into two groups.
3) Tell the girls they are in charge of creating a "Candy Gram" for a person in the neighborhood. Choose someone who is in particular need of an uplift. Perhaps someone having health issues, or just in need of a little encouragement. It can even be someone who needs a "sweet" thank you! Or someone who just had a new baby.
4) Give each group 5 or more candy bars, depending on how many you bought.
4) Challenge the groups to write a "Candy Gram" message using the candy bars as words, as seen below.
5) Set a timer so there is an element of racing against the clock.
6) With markers, have the groups write their message on a poster board and glue the candy bars in the right spots.
4) Deliver the "Candy Grams"!!! And feel the sweet spirit of service!!!
Making Candy Bar posters is a tradition at my house. Birthdays. Fathers Day. Congratulations. Inspiration. Believe me! I can make a Candy Gram for any occasion! Here is one of them we made for neighbor who had cancer. My kids really enjoy making them. :))
This next one, I didn't make, but loved it! It is a congratulations to a young women who finished her personal progress. So fun!
To check out this one, CLICK HERE. It's a graduation Candy Gram.
For more ideas visit Sugardoodle And enjoy your SWEET SERVICE!
And MOMS needing a fun service-oriented Family Home Evening!
Get ready for some SWEET SERVICE.
Here is a fanstaticaly FUN service activity! That won't seem boring at all. (And yea, sometimes youth think service is boring. But it's not! And this is a great way to spark some interest in reaching out and uplifting others.)
Make CANDY GRAMS. Here's how.
1) Buy 10 Candy Bars (or how every many you like) and 2 large posters.
2) Divide the girls into two groups.
3) Tell the girls they are in charge of creating a "Candy Gram" for a person in the neighborhood. Choose someone who is in particular need of an uplift. Perhaps someone having health issues, or just in need of a little encouragement. It can even be someone who needs a "sweet" thank you! Or someone who just had a new baby.
4) Give each group 5 or more candy bars, depending on how many you bought.
4) Challenge the groups to write a "Candy Gram" message using the candy bars as words, as seen below.
5) Set a timer so there is an element of racing against the clock.
6) With markers, have the groups write their message on a poster board and glue the candy bars in the right spots.
4) Deliver the "Candy Grams"!!! And feel the sweet spirit of service!!!
Making Candy Bar posters is a tradition at my house. Birthdays. Fathers Day. Congratulations. Inspiration. Believe me! I can make a Candy Gram for any occasion! Here is one of them we made for neighbor who had cancer. My kids really enjoy making them. :))

For more ideas visit Sugardoodle And enjoy your SWEET SERVICE!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My Elevator Doesn't Seem To Reach The Top Floor
I spent the weekend with my two teenage daughters at Time Out for Women and Girls (a fantastic mother-daughter bonding weekend by the way!). We arrived Friday evening at our hotel, parked in the garage, and rode the elevator up to the main lobby. When the elevator doors opened, I rolled my suitcase behind me, calling out to the girls, "Let's go find the elevator so we can find our room."
"Uh, mom." The girls stopped in a dead heat.
"Ya? Let's hurry so we have time for dinner." I turned around to see their stunned faces.
"Uh, we just got off the elevator." There voices said in tandem.
Time stood still. My eyes focused on the green-lit arrow button above the elevator doors from which we had emerged
"Oh. Well. We found it." I replied, rolling my bag back to the elevator doors. As I pushed the up button, I pretended I was completely in charge and knew exactly what I was doing. Funny thing is, the older I get the less I know exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Seriously? My over-forty brain just keeps surprising me. That same week, I came home, after three hours, expecting to smell chicken roasting in my crockpot. But, I smelled nothing. So, into the kitchen I went, only to find, as I lifted the lid an empty, burning hot crockpot was no chicken inside. And guess what the first thought into my brain was?
"Someone stole my poultry."
One second later, my brain corrected itself. "Nobody steals poultry. You never put the chicken in the crockpot to begin with!"
I opened the fridge to find my nicely, washed chicken staring back at me as if to say, "Lady, your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top!"
And the truth is...some days it just doesn't. 
Friday, August 3, 2012
Book Review: A Sisterhood of Strength

We women are incredibly busy and sometimes forget that a quick, happy, feel-good story goes a long way. On the back cover, you’ll find a quote from President Monson: “It’s the service that counts.” And what a fabulous reminder that is! We need to remember that simple acts of service rendered by determined, faithful women DO make a difference. You and I—what we do as mothers, Relief Society sisters, and daughters of God, it matters.
Knowing Diony personally, I asked her to share some of her insights on her book. And here is what she had to say.
What was your inspiration in for this book?
One of the callings I feared in the church was teaching Relief Society. I’m not sure why since I taught over the years in several other auxiliaries. You can imagine my concern and shock when I was called to be the Relief Society president in my ward. Suddenly just teaching RS once a month didn’t seem nearly as scary. During the time I held that calling, my faith in Heavenly Father grew immeasurably as I learned more fully to rely on Him. He filled my heart with Christ-like love for the women in my ward, and a deeper bond of sisterhood strengthened inside as I was blessed to serve them. Those years inspired my book, “A Sisterhood of Strength.”
How do you define "strength"?
My definition of strength is an inner fortitude that is unwavering in purpose or cause.
What is special about women that give them strength as a group?
Women share a unique bond because of the God-given qualities inherent to their gender like sensitivity, grace, the ability to nurture, sympathize and love openly and deeply. In a group these gifts are magnified.
What is it about women that make them able to care for and strengthen one another?
I believe it is simply part of their true nature. Many women feel it and express it unconsciously, however I do think in women it is more pronounced or developed.
Who are some women in your life who have strengthened you and why?
The first woman that comes to my mind is my own mother. She is an example of a truly virtuous and loving woman in her actions, words, and dress. I also had a YW leader when I was a MiaMaid whose example and love helped shape me into the woman I became. Through the years I’ve known countless women with strengths and talents I’ve admired, and I will always be grateful to the ones who reached out to me in ways big and small when I needed a friend, someone to listen, a quiet example, or inspiring words of encouragement to “press on” when life wasn’t easy.
Diony was gracious to include a story of mine in her book. You’ll find it on page 22.
And thanks to Diony for inviting me on her BLOG TOUR.
Diony! Best of luck on your NEW book.
For more information
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Easy NO-SEW Summer SHIRT Craft
youngest daughter and her friends.
We bought T-shirts from the SALE rack at RUE 21--only paid $3.00 and $5.00. Any T-shirt will work. I like the umbrella shaped T's. The cute designs at RUE made the little girls squeal with delight. Use a bigger size T-shirt.
Make fringe by cutting into the fabric on the bottom of the T-shirt and the shoulders. You are going to tie the front piece to the back piece,just like tieing a double-sided fleeceblanket.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Book Review
We Lived In Heaven
by Sarah Hinze

The stories give me tingles! Like the story about a mother, who is in a terrible plane crash. She sees her unborn son, not born until years later, and his presence influences this mother to hang on after a near-death experience and continue her earthly mission despite pain and intense rehabilitation. Page after page, and story after story reveal real accounts of ordinary women, just like you and me, who have extraordinary experiences with beings on the other side of the veil.
Another touching story involves a woman who writes a letter to her son whom she is giving up for adoption. It is absolutely beautiful! And there are others, including a story about a kidnapped child who survived her ordeal by the guiding hand of the baby sister who would be born years later. Amazing!
This heart-warming book would make the perfect mother's day gift (don’t tell my mom but this what she’s getting!) So, if you need a spiritual up-lift that gives you a sense of being part of something greater than the here- and-now, this is the book for you!
My favorite quote from the book sums up its beauty:
“Everything in our life happens as though we entered upon it with a load of obligations contracted in a previous existence . . . obligations whose sanction is not of this present life, [which] seems to belong to a different world, founded on kindness, scruples, sacrifice, a world entirely different from this one, a world whence we emerge to be born on this earth, before returning thither.” –Marcel Proust
You can find out more about Sarah Hinze, her book and her research on pre-birth experiences at We Lived in Heaven is available in bookstores and online.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Activity Handouts -- More Precious Than Rubies
for an upcoming RS or YW activity?
These beautiful white roses with jeweled tags highlighting the scriptures from Proverbs are the perfect idea.
Recently, I spoke at a Bluffdale Ward Relief Society birthday social.
Their theme was "Who Can find a Virtuous Woman".
These roses doubled as the centerpiece and the take-home goodie at the end of the evening.
I LOVED the idea and had to share!!!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Book Review: Doing What We Came to Do - living a life of love
Ardeth G. Kapp's newly released book is worth adding to your shelf. It includes stories I will remember forever. She tells them, indicitive of the title, lovingly with a soft touch of humor. The older I get, I realize that loving is a journey. We don't always love like we should. Loving is something we have to work at every day. At times, loving is easy. And other times it's just plain hard. Why is that? And what can we do to improve the status of our hearts? Her 80 years on this earth gives Sis. Kapp the credibility and wisdom to prick your heart with just the right motivation to inspire you to love better. At the end of each chapter she gives you questions to 1. ponder 2. act and 3. ask, which I loved because I could write down thoughts I had after each chapter so I can put the counsel given in Sis. Kapp's book into action. I love that at 80 she is still finding things to write about! For me, this book was timely. I will refer to it for years to come. :))
Click here to buy it at Desseret Book
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
ACTION: Once the blanket is complete, make a note to go with it and deliver it to someone in your neighborhood who needs to feel a little extra love. This part of the activty is important, because it finishes off the evening. The reaching out part of love for teens is sometimes hard so don't just make the blanket and deliver it without the girls. Let them be the ones standing on someone's doorstep, offering a love gift, that they helped make.
Let me know how your activity turns out :)).
Sit in a circle and while the girls tie knots all around the edges of the fleece blanket, talk with them about
How this is the greatest commandment.
Mark 12:30-31
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
ACTION: Once the blanket is complete, make a note to go with it and deliver it to someone in your neighborhood who needs to feel a little extra love. This part of the activty is important, because it finishes off the evening. The reaching out part of love for teens is sometimes hard so don't just make the blanket and deliver it without the girls. Let them be the ones standing on someone's doorstep, offering a love gift, that they helped make.
FHE HINT: If you're tieing a blanket for Family Home Evening, have each family member (as he/she ties a knot) give a LOVE compliment to a sibling or parent. Then talk about how Jesus "showed" people He loved them. He didn't just talk about it. He took action. Discuss ways your family can LOVE like Jesus did. When you're done tieing the blanket, deliver it to someone in your neighborhood or extended family who needs to be wrapped up in your love. You can even do it secretly--ring the doorbell and run!
Let me know how your activity turns out :)).
Friday, January 6, 2012
Fighting Against Pornography
Are you?
So, TEENS and PARENTS...we HAVE to start talking about the NEW drug.
It's not a pretty word. I know.
I've been teaching recovering drug addicts for 11 years...and the drug I'm most worried about is...pornography. It's highly addictive and destructive.
And we stop it only by educating ourselves and our kids about what it is and how harmful it is.
And by just saying NO!
How can we STOP it? We start having a conversation with EVERYONE we know.
I've seen this group "Fight the NEW Drug" and they are cutting edge fabulous! Great for WHITE RIBBON WEEK at your schools. Their assemblies (as the kids say) ROCK!!!! These guys are right on our TEENS level. It's all scientific, so no religion, or morality plays a part, for those of you worried about that. And they do it just like the TRUTH campaign did for tobacca and smoking. I am SOOOO on board. This group is NATIONAL, so if you are outside of Utah they travel. It's a national movement on college campuses as well. So look for your local chapter. AND it's working! They have several YOUTUBE videos reaching out to teens. Here's just one of them. Learn more on their website. Link below.
Are you?
So, TEENS and PARENTS...we HAVE to start talking about the NEW drug.
It's not a pretty word. I know.
I've been teaching recovering drug addicts for 11 years...and the drug I'm most worried about is...pornography. It's highly addictive and destructive.
And we stop it only by educating ourselves and our kids about what it is and how harmful it is.
And by just saying NO!
How can we STOP it? We start having a conversation with EVERYONE we know.
I've seen this group "Fight the NEW Drug" and they are cutting edge fabulous! Great for WHITE RIBBON WEEK at your schools. Their assemblies (as the kids say) ROCK!!!! These guys are right on our TEENS level. It's all scientific, so no religion, or morality plays a part, for those of you worried about that. And they do it just like the TRUTH campaign did for tobacca and smoking. I am SOOOO on board. This group is NATIONAL, so if you are outside of Utah they travel. It's a national movement on college campuses as well. So look for your local chapter. AND it's working! They have several YOUTUBE videos reaching out to teens. Here's just one of them. Learn more on their website. Link below.
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