We women are incredibly busy and sometimes forget that a quick, happy, feel-good story goes a long way. On the back cover, you’ll find a quote from President Monson: “It’s the service that counts.” And what a fabulous reminder that is! We need to remember that simple acts of service rendered by determined, faithful women DO make a difference. You and I—what we do as mothers, Relief Society sisters, and daughters of God, it matters.
Knowing Diony personally, I asked her to share some of her insights on her book. And here is what she had to say.
What was your inspiration in for this book?
One of the callings I feared in the church was teaching Relief Society. I’m not sure why since I taught over the years in several other auxiliaries. You can imagine my concern and shock when I was called to be the Relief Society president in my ward. Suddenly just teaching RS once a month didn’t seem nearly as scary. During the time I held that calling, my faith in Heavenly Father grew immeasurably as I learned more fully to rely on Him. He filled my heart with Christ-like love for the women in my ward, and a deeper bond of sisterhood strengthened inside as I was blessed to serve them. Those years inspired my book, “A Sisterhood of Strength.”
How do you define "strength"?
My definition of strength is an inner fortitude that is unwavering in purpose or cause.
What is special about women that give them strength as a group?
Women share a unique bond because of the God-given qualities inherent to their gender like sensitivity, grace, the ability to nurture, sympathize and love openly and deeply. In a group these gifts are magnified.
What is it about women that make them able to care for and strengthen one another?
I believe it is simply part of their true nature. Many women feel it and express it unconsciously, however I do think in women it is more pronounced or developed.
Who are some women in your life who have strengthened you and why?
The first woman that comes to my mind is my own mother. She is an example of a truly virtuous and loving woman in her actions, words, and dress. I also had a YW leader when I was a MiaMaid whose example and love helped shape me into the woman I became. Through the years I’ve known countless women with strengths and talents I’ve admired, and I will always be grateful to the ones who reached out to me in ways big and small when I needed a friend, someone to listen, a quiet example, or inspiring words of encouragement to “press on” when life wasn’t easy.
Diony was gracious to include a story of mine in her book. You’ll find it on page 22.
And thanks to Diony for inviting me on her BLOG TOUR.
Diony! Best of luck on your NEW book.
For more information http://dionygeorge.com
Thanks Jodi!