Friday, January 24, 2014
1 - 2 p.m.

You can teach your kids to serve, but doing it in secret adds a level of intrigue that kids enjoy.
Here are 7 ways to spread good cheer and do it undetected!
1. Stealthy Snow Painting
This is a well-known activity for kids bored in wintertime, but step it up a knotch and do it secretly. Fill spray bottles with food coloring and water. Then let the kids sneak over to the neighbor's house (maybe even after dark) and draw HEARTS in the snow in their yard. Leave a note on the door saying you've been SECRETLY SERVED. Hint: Tell the kids it's a secret and they have to be really clever and quiet so they don't get caught!
If you live somewhere there is no snow, do chalk drawings on the sidewalk and driveway.

2. Homecoming Ribbons
I have a dear friend whose husband was returning home from the hospital after a complicated surgery, and we tied yellow ribbons on the trees in the front yard, to welcome him home. Use pink, red, or any color that means something to the recipient of your service.
3. Secret Delivery from your Secret Admirers
Stand outside of your husband's office building holding helium balloons and a poster decorated with "WE LOVE from your Secret Admirers". Call him on your cell phone and tell him to go to the window and look outside, which is where you and kids will be standing, waving your arms, wild and crazy!. (It's just a little something to say thanks, but oh so fun!)
4. Bashful Bouquet
Deliver a bouquet of flowers with a SECRET SERVICE LOVE NOTE to a local nursing home, or assisted care center. Ask someone at the front desk to deliver the flowers to someone who hasn't had a visitor in a while. Or, buy a dozen flowers and go room to room delivering a single flower to residents. If you can't afford real flowers, use artificial ones!
5. Quiet Book Drop
The library is a popular place for moms and kids. Wrap up a favorite book that you have enjoyed. Write a note that says FINDERS KEEPERS and explain you're giving your favorite storybook so they can enjoy it. Wrap it up and leave it on the table in the kids' section. "This gift is for YOU! Hope you enjoy this gift from the SECRET SERVICE." Tell the librarian what you're doing ahead of time :)) And have fun watching, behind the shelves, as someone finds the book.:))
6. Cookie Surprise
Leave a box of Cookies in the mailbox for your mail carrier. Watch from the window to see what the reaction is.
7: Stash the Cash
Prep: Envelopes, stickers, markers, cash.
Let kids decorate a few envelopes with markers and stickers. Stash some cash in each of them, and go through a drive through and pay fora portion of someone's lunch. Park nearby and let the kids watch. They will get a kick out of it!. :))

The key to successful service is planning.
Keep it simple.
Keep it simple.
Keep it short.
Keep it sweet.
Keep it sweet.
Don't forget that "remember when we . ." will be a discussion you have with your kids for years to come, so make sure you take pictures.:))
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Attend a Service Celebration in 2014 to share with other Studio 5 viewers.
(TBA later)
Watch Original Segment Here
Jodi's segment on KSL's Studio 5
Jodi's segment on KSL's Studio 5
Aired January 7, 2014
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
With love and friendship,
I sure love all these ideas you shared about service. Can't wait to do the secret delivery for my husband and the bashful bouquet at the local care center. Thank you so much for the inspiration.