Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Women of Virtue", An Emergency Room, and A Coffee Table

"Thank you for giving my book, 'Women of Virtue', wings.

Recently, I had the unfortunate experience of being in an emergency room with my father.  He had fallen off a tall ladder and was seriously injured.  After x-rays and doctors examinations, we were lucky to hear the news that his back was only sprained, not broken.  Whooh!  After a while, when things had settled down a bit,  my father and I began talking about an upcoming book signing I was scheduled to do.  A nurse overhead us talking and asked me, "What book are you talking about?"

"Oh, I wrote a book called 'Women of Virtue,'" I said.  It was her response that surprised me.

"Oh, my neighbor has your book sitting on her coffee table.  It's got a purple cover, right?"

I was a bit awestruck.  I probably looked a little pale.  My book? Sitting on someone's coffee table?   I had never thought about that before.  My dad, lying there in his hospital bed, beamed with pride.  That was the only part of him being in an emergency room that was remotely memorable.  Wow!  My book in someone's living room.  I guess that's how it works.  You write a book.  People you don't even know buy it and read it.  And it ends up on their coffee table. 

That was an "ah-ha" moment for me. 

So, today, I, first, want to express grattitude for my father's good health.  He recovered from that fall as if her were thirty years younger.  A true blessing.  And secondly, I want to thank all of you, those I know and those whom I've never met, who have helped give my book, "Women of Virtue", wings. 

To those of you who have my purple-cover, "Women of Virtue", sitting on your coffee table, or in your bookshelf, or in your purse.  Thank you.  It's a message that all girls and women need to hear.  I needed to hear it, and I am so thrilled when I'm introduced to complete strangers who have read it or at least know about it. 

It's a big world for unknown authors and small books to get noticed.  It comes down to word of mouth.  Friends telling friends.  Neighbhors telling neighbors.  And so I thank you.  Thank you for believing in the message and for sharing the message with others.   

My book is being featured on a Book Review Blog:  so check this out. 
FREE BOOK OFFERED ON Sheila Staley's Book Review Blog
If you haven't, yet, read "Women of Virtue" and would like to WIN a copy, enter her contest.  Follow the link below and it will take you to her blog to enter. 

Let's keep talking about the beauty of virtue.  And how true beauty is felt more than it is seen.  For that is the only way to truly be happy.  Have a wonderful week.  CLICK ON "what are people saying about women of virtue" and you will be directed to the

What are people saying about "Women of Virtue"?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodi!
    After reading a review of your book I decided that several women in my life would love it, so it's going on my Christmas list. Good luck to you.
