Thursday, April 17, 2014

Multi-Author Giveaway -- Last Chance April 16th!!! Connie Sokol's 40 Days With the Savior

Multi-Author Giveaway - Excerpt From 40 Days with the Savior: He Prepared Spiritually for the Day

[Excerpt from 40 Days with the Savior. See link below]
Matthew 5:1
And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him.
I think of this scripture often. I don’t have multitudes coming at me daily, but I have seven children, which feels like a multitude. And I don’t have disciples that come to me, but I have family, friends, neighbors, and people I meet who daily need to be loved, cheered, and encouraged. Instead of hurrying out of bed and going through a lengthy to-do list, Jesus went to a quiet place, talked with His Heavenly Father, and prepared spiritually for whatever difficulties were sure to come.
That’s a good idea.
Constantly caring for others brings joy, peace, and fulfillment. But it can also drain our reserves. Especially as mothers, we can get “set” for the day as the Savior did and receive that spiritual boost and perspective we will need to get through it. Accessing His peace and love allows us to more fully enjoy serving and caring, as well as feel a greater connection to the ultimate Caregiver.
What is one thing you can do to spiritually prepare for the day?
[Excerpt from 40 Days with the Savior, available in print or ebook on Amazon.]
P.S. Bundle and Save with 4 for $25 40 Days with the Savior bundle for a limited time only…click HERE

Multi-author Giveaway Spotlight: Enter by April 16!!!

Today’s Multi-author Giveaway Spotlight:

We Are Strong! Mothers and Daughters Stand Together

By Fay Klingler

We Are Strong! beautifully illustrates how powerful a faithful woman’s example can be.
Review: Every word I read was profound and uplifting. What wonderful guidelines! Each chapter takes a value and provides amazing content. I loved the way Fay integrated so many scriptures from the Book of Mormon and other standard works as she described each value and how we can apply the teaching of that value to helping and teaching our young women. Fay also included everyday experiences from friends, associates, and relatives that readers can relate to. I appreciated the “Why” and “How” sections at the end of each chapter as well as the “house” we are building with each value.  —Claire DeWitt, Stake Relief Society President
Fay-Klingler-marketing-emailBio: Fay A. Klingler, author and illustrator, is an award-winning creative and technical writer, as well as a sought-after motivational speaker for women’s groups. Her expertise includes successful patterns for life, betrayal recovery, and effective grandparenting. Her previous publications include A Woman’s Power: Threads that Bind Us to God; Shattered: Six Steps from Betrayal to Recovery; Daughters of God, You Have What It Takes; The LDS Grandparents’ Idea Book; My Magnificent Mountain; The Complete Guide to Woman’s Time; Our New Baby; and A Mother’s Journal.
An active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sister Klingler has served in various stake and ward Relief Society positions, as a ward Young Women president, in the Primary, and as a stake missionary.
The Klinglers have twelve children and thirty-five grandchildren in their blended family. They reside in Draper, Utah.

[You can win Fay’s book! Prepare for Easter with our multi-author Easter Book Giveaway! Throughout the week, from April 8 through April 16th, enter to win by using Rafflecopter. Click HERE]

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Studio 5 Segment--Share Serve Love April 16, 2014

Aired on April 16, 2014

1) The Book Drop (see below)

2) Teach a Class at the Road Home in Salt lake
(email me to schedule to teach the children's class :)) 

3) Flower Fairies

4) The Letter Writer (see below)

WIN one of my books..  Email me at my 

Tell me something you have done recently to SHARE, LOVE, SERVE We will be featuring ideas on STUDIO 5 next month!  :-)  Winner will be identified, Friday, April 25th, 2014 and posted HERE.  

 Also, check out the six author giveaway in my previous postings-this past week-- to win!!!


Movie Clip--The Letter Writer
Movie Clip--The Letter Writer

Purchase movie The Letter Writer at Amazon
(Also sold at Seagull Book and Deseret Book)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Author Giveaway-Featured Author-Michelle Wilson

Does This Insecurity-cover smallToday’s Multi-author Giveaway Spotlight:

Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?

by Michelle Wilson

I picked up Michelle's book the first day it hit the store!  Loved the cover!  Loved the title!  She writes honest to goodness, real woman insights, always gospel related.  She certainly has a strong sense of herself  Her humor proves it (like when she admits not wanting to sit on the hard chairs at church because her backside will show :) )  Her relateable personal stories are kin to my "sideburn moments", and if you've read my book,  Precious in His Sight, you'll know what I'm talking about.  Hee. Hee.  Can't wait to meet this girl!    

 Michelle:  When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.”  
Review: “I highly recommend Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?. It is worth every one of the five stars I’m giving it.” LDS Women’s Book Review
me smallerBio: Michelle Wilson is a native of California. Through serving a full-time mission, teaching seminary, Sunday School classes, and speaking at various firesides and conferences, Michelle has developed a love of the power and simplicity of the gospel. She believes in the healing power of laughter and chocolate. She and her husband, Jerey, are the parents of three children and live in Washington State.
Visit Michelle’s website! Click HERE
Purchase her book! Click HERE

[You can win Michelle's book! Prepare for Easter with our multi-author Easter Book Giveaway! Throughout the week, from April 8 through April 16thenter to win by using Rafflecopter. Click HERE]

Featured Author Giveaway -- Lori Nawyn and Jodi Robinson (that's me)

One of Today’s Multi-author Giveaway Spotlights:

Simple Things: Daily Thoughts, Stories, and Inspiration to Live Life More Fully

by Lori Nawyn

Simple ThingsWho doesn't like to keep things simple?

Love this simple, daily thought book of self-discovery.

It's absolutely stuffed full of delightful daily thoughts, quotes, recipes, personal experiences and more.  --Connie E. Sokol, Author
Recipes included range from Chocolate Trifle to Fiesta Guacamole!
Enter to WIN ONE BOOK of your very own! Simply use our Rafflecopter and you will be notified after April 16th. Click HERE
 If you would like to purchase, click HERE
Reviews: “This is not just a book to read, it’s a book to experience.”–Michele Ashman Bell, author A Candle in the Window and The Butterfly Box Series
 “Simple Things is filled with wisdom for women of all ages; This book is a delightful combination of the very things busy women need to enrich their lives.” –Joy Lundberg, lyricist and co-author of I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better
LoriNawynheadshotBio: Lori Nawyn is an award-winning writer, illustrator, and graphic designer whose key passion in life is to help others discover their own unique inner strengths. Her short stories, which touch on surviving grief and thriving with joy, have been included in six anthologies. Her essays and articles have been featured in numerous print and online publications including the Deseret News, Outside Bozeman, Segullah, and The SCBWI Bulletin. She is the author of one novel My Gift to You (2010), two inspirational books Fill Your Day With Hope (2013) and Simple Things (2014), the cookbook Peachy: A Harvest of Fruity Goodness (2013), and the forthcoming The Great American Family Reunion Cookbook (2014) and The Pear Connoisseur (2014). She is also the illustrator of Love, Hugs, and Hope: When Scary Things Happen (2013) and the forthcoming children’s travel series Jack & Lilly(2015).
Wife of a fireman, mother of four, grandmother of four, and mentor to three opinionated dogs she’s training for urban mushing, Lori enjoys running, hiking, kayaking, reading, and growing tomatoes, peppers, and herbs for her fresh salsa.

One of Today’s Multi-author Giveaway Spotlights:

Precious in His Sight–Seeing yourself as God sees you

Book Cover Precious in His Sightby Jodi Marie Robinson (it's me :) ) 

Connie Sokol put this fantastic GIVEAWAY together!  She gets a double (no, quadruple) THANKS for including me  :)  Here is what she has to say about my book:  "Jodi is a natural storyteller (maybe it's her Italian heritage?) and brings each chapter alive with wonderful, perfectly chosen stories to share the principles for feeling true self-worth. With poignant scriptures as well as hilarious experiences (especially "Sideburn Moments"--we all have them!) you come away feeling uplifted and assured of His love for you. Enter to win this book below!  --Connie Sokol, Author, mother of 7 extraordinaire (I added that part, but it's really true.:) )

Our Father in Heaven, in His infinite wisdom, sees not the outward appearance but perceives the beauty of the heart and the worth of a soul. Through meaningful stories, scriptures, and examples, motivational speaker Jodi Marie Robinson lovingly reminds daughters of God of all ages, shapes, and sizes that the only true path to happiness is to measure your value as the Lord does. After all, you are more precious than rubies.
Jodi headshot for gmailBio: Jodi Marie Robinson is a wife, mother, author, and inspirational speaker. For 13 years, she has taught motivational classes to women recovering from drug addiction, at House of Hope, in Salt Lake. Her books teach timeless principles of self-worth.  She is the author of Women of Virtue (2009), A Royal Guardian (2013), with published essays in The Art of Motherhood (2013), and A Mother's Prayer (2014).  She is a featured SERVICE NEEDS NOW guest on KSL's Studio 5.   She likes to be thought of as the neighbor next door who always has a cup of sugar to lend, and who always needs of stick of butter to borrow (and it's usually on a Sunday!)  :)

heart shaped ruby from amazonEnter to WIN ONE print BOOK and this keepsake ruby necklace of your very own! Simply use our Rafflecopter and you will be notified after April 16th. Click HERE
Purchase print copies directly from the author at

Saturday, April 12, 2014

So you're not ENOUGH? -- the new book Power to Become by Elder Bednar can help

Ever struggle with feeling like you don't measure up to Christ's standards of PERFECTION? 

The scripture in Matthew 5:48, "be ye therefore perfect", can be a daunting commandment.  

But, the word PERFECT originally meant WHOLE and COMPLETE.  And guess what?  You can do WHOLE!  And you can do COMPLETE!  Because Jesus Christ makes us whole and complete, through His EVERLASTING ATONEMENT. :)   Yay! 

Holding yourself accountable to impeccably, high standards is a good thing.  But knowing you’re going to fall short—in some way—each and every day--that can be discouraging.  But Christ is about motivation.  Not about discouragement.

If the doctrine behind the call to BE PERFECT is understood correctly, new ways of being can be achieved.  That’s why I love Elder Bendnar’s new book.  

First, it’s not a book about BEING perfect.
It’s about BECOMING perfect.
And there’s a difference.  Thank goodness J

In it, he defines BECOMING PERFECT as losing the desire for sin (page 2);  compares BECOMING to climbing UP a ladder, one rung at a time (page 2); and teaches that perfection WILL COME "line up line, and precept upon precept" (page 3).  His message is BECOMING PERFECT is a "process to be pursued" (page 8). 

So breathe J

Looking at the scripture "be ye therefore perfect" as an INVITATION to BECOME perfect allows us to develop our CONFIDENCE, so we can become like the Savior.  Because, eventually, with His help, we can become anything we put our heart and mind to.

There are commandments we CAN BE PERFECT in keeping.  Paying 100% tithing.  Not stealing.  Not lying.  Among others.  The commandment to Not Bear False Witness is one we don't think of very often, but recently, I did.  I had a sad and heart-wrenching experience, where I felt false witness was being born against me.  In my sorrow and heartache, I sought the Savior's healing.  I turned to Him and the scriptures, pleading for His tutelage.  I could feel, through the spirit, Him reminding me, “I'm here to help you BECOME like me, as often as you need me to."
I could do nothing about what was said about me, or the course that those words would ensue.  I was reminded that through the Atonement of a Savior—who loves me AND my accusers--I could feel whole and complete, again.

At my core, I could feel Christ was not my accuser, as so often we think Him to be.  He is not that at all!  He is our ADVOCATE.  And, in this circumstance, that title gave me the most comfort  Digging deep, I found comfort in him leading to me to Elder Holland’s teaching:  "The race is NOT against each other.  The race is against SIN." 

Too, often, mortal beings want to compare, compete, and correct.  None of us should be on the receiving end of those judgments.  Although, I felt, I was wrongly accused, I could learn from the experience.  Because I certainly wasn't perfect reacting to the accusations of my accusers.  But, in Christ--eventually--I will BE. :))  Because, in this life, with Christ's help, I AM BECOMING.

IMPERFECT people.  That's who we are.  And we are trying to BECOME better.  And, guess what?   God sees beauty in it . . . He sees beauty in our imperfection because He sees beauty for ashes.  Perfection is going to take a while and Christ knows that.  And He's actually okay with it.  :)) 

We need to be okay with it, too. :))  
And understand that in our striving and yearning to do all we can do we are BECOMING MORE, and to Him, we are already enough.  

With love and friendship,

If you are interested, President Bednar, along with his lovely wife, teach how to think about becoming like Christ while struggling to be enough.  Definitely worth watching.  More videos can be found on Youtube. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

AUTHOR GIVEAWAY-Michelle Wilson--Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat

REVIEW:  "Michelle writes a deeply personal, humorous, and real-woman’s book, sharing her real-life experiences of growth using the gospel, and does it fabulously! With great sections like “The Pearls of Progress” . . . [and other] stories like not wanting to keep a promise to her daughter to sit in the “hard” seats at church because she didn’t want people seeing her backside!  Enjoy this upbeat yet solid ride–enter to win below!"  --Author, Connie Sokol
REVIEW: “I highly recommend Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?. It is worth every one of the five stars I’m giving it.” LDS Women’s Book Review

Michelle:  “When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.”
me smaller
Bio: Michelle Wilson is a native of California. Through serving a full-time mission, teaching seminary, Sunday School classes, and speaking at various firesides and conferences, Michelle has developed a love of the power and simplicity of the gospel. She believes in the healing power of laughter and chocolate. She and her husband, Jerey, are the parents of three children and live in Washington State.
Visit Michelle’s website! Click HERE
Purchase her book! Click HERE

[You can win Michelle's book! Prepare for Easter with our multi-author Easter Book Giveaway! Throughout the week, from April 8 through April 16thenter to win by using Rafflecopter. Click HERE]


If you haven't visited The Red Headed Hostess, you are in for a treat!  Shannon Foster takes complicated spiritual principles and breaks them down into simple to understand learning experiences then packages them in a graphic design style that is both clever and fun.  
As part of the 6 AUTHOR GIVEAWAY, the WINNER will receive her fabulous Easter flip-book for children, full of truly beautiful and charming pictures.
And the best part, it’s printable! So you can't print it as many times as you need to!  (Like when kids spill Hershey' chocolate syrup on it.  Ooops!  I did that!  :)  ) 
If you’re interested, no waiting–just purchase and download immediately, so simple and easy.
I love her stuff and am excited to share this book!
Enter to WIN A BOOK for your very own by using our Rafflecopter! Click HERE

Win an ebook!
This is a print-your-own book about why we celebrate Easter.  It is great for kids and adults!  This book covers the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, why understanding the resurrection is important and what the Easter symbols mean.
Shannon runs the website  After 14 years of teaching seminary in Salt Lake, Shannon is now a stay-at-home mom seeking to now help parents and leaders teach their children with power.  You will find scripture marking tips and guides, specific teaching ideas and tons of downloads meant to strengthen individuals, homes and families.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Easter Giveaway--6 Authors--Books You'll LOVE! FREE GIVEAWAY

Can I just say I'm so happy to be a part of this 6 Author/BOOK GIVEAWAY?!!!

Displaying book-giveaway-featured-image.jpg
Connie Sokol, of Faithful, Fit and Fabulous, has put it together.  
And YOU may WIN!
Throughout the week, from April 8 through April 16thenter to win by using Rafflecopter.  Click HERE
Win a copy of my book + a ruby heart necklace

Our Father in Heaven, in His infinite wisdom, sees not the outward appearance but perceives the beauty of the heart and the worth of a soul. Through meaningful stories, scriptures, and examples, motivational speaker Jodi Marie Robinson lovingly reminds daughters of God of all ages, shapes, and sizes that the only true path to happiness is to measure your value as the Lord does.  After all, you are more precious than rubies. 

WIN the necklace, plus my book, and one of EACH book from these fabulous 5 guest authors, so simple!!
Why-do-we-celebrate-Easter-cover-Why Do We Celebrate Easter?, Shannon Foster
Win an ebook!
This is a print-your-own book about why we celebrate Easter.  It is great for kids and adults!  This book covers the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, why understanding the resurrection is important and what the Easter symbols mean.

Does This Insecurity-cover smallDoes This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?, Michelle Wilson
Win an ebook!
 ”When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.”

Simple ThingsSimple Things: Daily Thoughts, Stories & Inspiration to Live Life More Fully, Lori Nawyn
Win an ebook!
Within the pages of Simple Things, women will gain the necessary tools to confront self-limiting beliefs that prevent daughters of God from fully realizing their noble heritage. By embracing the gentle lessons shared by the author, even the most aching of spirits can emerge from the shadows to celebrate the glory of life with peace, joy, and hope.

Front-cover-We-Are-StrongWe Are Strong!, Fay Klingler
Win an ebook!
Every girl needs a mentor, someone she can trust to show her the way home to Heavenly Father. The stakes are high—as women of influence, how we live and how we teach Heavenly Father’s daughters will change the course of their lives forever. Using compelling real-life stories from women of all ages, award winning author Fay A. Klingler clearly defines how and why we must continue to live and teach the Young Women values.
40-DAYS-Front-Cover-for-Amazon-and-SmashwordsPLUS YOU GET CONNIE'S  Book Bundle!!!!   
40 Days was exactly the little push I needed to feel the Savior's presence in my daily life, especially during the weeks leading up to Easter.  Just today a wonderful friend reminded me of one Connie's daily messages:  Christ was misunderstood.  It spoke volumes as to how I was feeling and a difficult trial I had just passed through.  Immediately, I was able to feel some peace.  And feel the Savior's love, with no holding back.  

Enter today!  And GOOD LUCK!

Easter Giveaway--6 Authors--Books You'll LOVE! FREE GIVEAWAY

Can I just say I'm so happy to be a part of this 5 Author/BOOK GIVEAWAY.

Displaying book-giveaway-featured-image.jpg
Connie Sokol, of Faithful, Fit and Fabulous, has put it together.  
And YOU may WIN!
Throughout the week, from April 8 through April 16thenter to win by using Rafflecopter.  Click HERE
Win a copy of my book + a ruby heart necklace

Our Father in Heaven, in His infinite wisdom, sees not the outward appearance but perceives the beauty of the heart and the worth of a soul. Through meaningful stories, scriptures, and examples, motivational speaker Jodi Marie Robinson lovingly reminds daughters of God of all ages, shapes, and sizes that the only true path to happiness is to measure your value as the Lord does.  After all, you are more precious than rubies. 

WIN one of EACH book from these fabulous four guest authors, so simple!!
Why-do-we-celebrate-Easter-cover-Why Do We Celebrate Easter?, Shannon Foster
Win an ebook!
This is a print-your-own book about why we celebrate Easter.  It is great for kids and adults!  This book covers the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, why understanding the resurrection is important and what the Easter symbols mean.

Does This Insecurity-cover smallDoes This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?, Michelle Wilson
Win an ebook!
 ”When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.”

Simple ThingsSimple Things: Daily Thoughts, Stories & Inspiration to Live Life More Fully, Lori Nawyn
Win an ebook!
Within the pages of Simple Things, women will gain the necessary tools to confront self-limiting beliefs that prevent daughters of God from fully realizing their noble heritage. By embracing the gentle lessons shared by the author, even the most aching of spirits can emerge from the shadows to celebrate the glory of life with peace, joy, and hope.

Front-cover-We-Are-StrongWe Are Strong!, Fay Klingler
Win an ebook!
Every girl needs a mentor, someone she can trust to show her the way home to Heavenly Father. The stakes are high—as women of influence, how we live and how we teach Heavenly Father’s daughters will change the course of their lives forever. Using compelling real-life stories from women of all ages, award winning author Fay A. Klingler clearly defines how and why we must continue to live and teach the Young Women values.
40-DAYS-Front-Cover-for-Amazon-and-SmashwordsPLUS YOU GET CONNIE'S  Book Bundle!!!!   
40 Days was exactly the little push I needed to feel the Savior's presence in my daily life, especially during the weeks leading up to Easter.  Just today a wonderful friend reminded me of one Connie's daily messages:  Christ was misunderstood.  It spoke volumes as to how I was feeling and a difficult trial I had just passed through.  Immediately, I was able to feel some peace.  And feel the Savior's love, with no holding back.  

Enter today!  And GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Free Downloads

Free downloads in my DROPBOX on right side of my blog. 

Or, email me at

Meaningful Gifts

How do we teach our girls to guard their values?

We teach them the doctrine behind them

In a way they can understand.

I have written this parable, A Royal Guardian, to teach the meaning of the eight young women values.

"This story has layers of meaning and teaches, 
in a way that can be easily understood by all,
the role that Jesus Christ plays in our lives." --BYU Science Professor

If you want your girls to cherish their values,
teach them the why's and how's.  

Use this story to teach.

Pair my book with a bracelet.  And wallah!

A gift they' will love. :))

My book can be purchased on-line on Amazon, Seagull, or Deseret Book.  

Bracelets, too.