Tuesday, November 19, 2013

STUDIO 5 - Gratitude Project

View my Gratitude Segment
on KSL's Studio 5
Aired:  November 19, 2013
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Thank so much.
And be sure to tell me about your successes serving in your community
and in practicing gratitude.  I would love to hear form you!
Love and friendship,

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Family Collage-Family Proclamation

I wanted an updated Family Proclamation for my home and here's what I came up with.  Thanks to Lolly Jane for the FREE downloadable print.  If you like it, download it!
If you would like me to create a 16X20 or 20X30 poster for you, send to me your email request  jodirobinson2182@hotmail.com
I'll create the JPG file for $10.00 and send it to a Wal-Mart near you.   
Wal-Mart does a fabulous print for the price!  Ranging from $5.95-$19.95.
I chose NOT to use a frame for mine. 
I simply mounted it on a 20X30 sticky foam core board from Hobby Lobby. 
It was on $3.00 with my coupon!  Score!


Meaningful Gifts for Daughter, Friend, Wife, YW, and YOU

Holidays are almost here and I have 2 fabulous GIFT IDEAS for you! 
And, yes, they both have to do with my books, Precious in His Sight and A Royal Guardian.
But hey! I promise they're good ideas.
GIFT #1:  The Ruby Secret
My first chapter in my book, Precious in His Sight, is called "The Ruby Secret."
In it I tell why rubies are so precious and rare and why God declared a woman's worth MORE precious than even one of the rarest and most precious gems of all!
So, give my book, and a beautiful piece of jewelry with a note explaining you are giving her
THE RUBY SECRET . . . a priceless gift to help her see herself the way God sees her
--as MORE precious than rubies.
 Here are some reasonably priced rubies I have found to go along with my book.

 GIFT #2:  Royal Guardian
This book tells all about the 8 precious gems that define a young woman's values.
Faith is the white diamond.
Divine Nature is the blue sapphire.
And so on and so on.
In this book, Brina's father, the King, gives her a letter every night, along with a new
jeweled-charm for her bracelet. to remind her of the values he wants her to guard.
Each explanation is filled with imagery to help your daughter remember
the meaning behind each precious value.  And, I promise, once your daughter
 reads them she won't forget!
Give her a necklace or bracelet to go along with book.  :))  She will love it!
Here are some jewelry ideas and links to where you can buy them. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Book Signing

The holidays are closing in. 

I actually can't believe it.

Halloweens not even here, yet,
and I'm thinking about Christmas lights and neighbor gifts.  :))
I have a book signing Saturday, December 7th at the Seagull book store
in Sandy on 106th south and 700 east. 
It's a ways off, but just thought I'd let you know. 
If you're looking for an inspirational message to share with your daughters, granddaughters, sisters,
friends or family members, three books come to mind. 
(Gee, I wonder why?)

For any woman or young woman.

For women or Young Women, and paired with a bracelet with the Young Women jewels, it would be the perfect gift.  Full of meaning, too!

Perfect for family or neighbrs.  Ten beautifully written true Christmas stories from authors like Jack Weyland, Brent and Wendy Top, and little ol' ME!  (Mine is about the piano my husband gave me 17 years ago.  It will make you cry.)
So, make sure you tell SANTA to check out the bookstores or Amazon for
these wonderfully inspiring books.
But, first.
Enjoy Halloween! 
I'll be dressing up like a witch as usual.  Serving chili and apple cider, and sitting on my porch
doing my happy cackle routine. 
With love and friendship,

Friday, September 27, 2013

Book Signing Sat. Sept. 28 9 - 11 a.m.

Book Signing
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Seagull Book
The District in South Jordan, Utah
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Come for "Celebrating Sisterhood"
Also tune into Carol Mikita's "People of Faith" Radio show on
KSL 102.7 FM and KSL 1160 AN
for my 30-minute interview
Sunday, September 29, 3013
8 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Watch me on Studio 5

I shared ideas on volunteering and serving in the community,
Monday, September 16, 2013,

More information is posted at
Email me at jodirobinson2182@hotmail.com
if you have questions.  Happy to help you with you upcoming service project:))

Such a fun experience! 

My next segment is on Gratitude and will air in November.  TBA.


Come stop by
Seagull Book at the District in South Jordan, Utah

Saturday, September 28, 2012
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
for my
Book Signing of
"Precious in His Sight"


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Handouts for my Book "Precious in His Sight"

These are handouts I created to go along with my book
Precious in His Sight
This one below highlights the eleven themes that go along with the chapters.
The one below is a quote from my book.
This one is also a quote from my book.

Feel free to use them for handouts, book clubs, or whaterver.
You can either copy the image,
or email me at
and I will email you the files.
They are created so that about 1/4" will be trimmed off when you print it, so the pink banner will go all the way to the edge. 
You can print them as 4x6, 5x7, 8x10.
 For more information on my book, "Precious in His Sight", or to purchase it, please visit


Friday, August 16, 2013

Activity Idea Using "A Royal Guaridan"

Here's a great idea for a Personal Progress goal, using my book A Royal Guardian (published by Covenant Communications, Inc.).

My 15 year old niece, Emily, and her friend got creative with Personal Progress and planned an activity for the Activity Day Girls in their Ward based on my Young Women's book.

1) Each girl received a copy of A Royal Guardian.

2)  My niece prepared a short, thoughtful presentation on what it means to be a "guardian" and shared it with the girls.  (She is so on the ball!)  Then, she read the story to the girls and as she did . . .

3)  The girls glued the corresponding colored jewels onto a positive affirmation jar (which just happens to be my favorite YW projects of all times).  You see, in my book, Princess Brina receives a jeweled charm bracelet from her father, the King, so it makes perfect sense to keep the girls busy as they learn about the values each jewel represents and as they learn what "guarding" that value means. They filled the jars with positive quotes and scriptures that had to do with guarding your values.  What a great idea, don't you think?

 The girls raved about this fantastic activity! 
So, share this idea with your daughter, or one of young women, 
and help them create an activity of their very own. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My newest book is now available!

See yourself as God sees you.
Discover the "Ruby Secret" for yourself.
Available in book stores as well as on-line.

For speaking engagements email me at therubysecret@gmail.com
It is easy to get lost in a world of diminishing moral values, especially when society tries to convince women that their worth is determined by how well they fit into a pair of designer jeans. What feels better than a perfectly fit pair of jeans? Knowing that you are precious to God and living like you believe it. In a world where image is everything, the pressure to be perfect has never been more intense: the perfect make-up, the perfect outfit, the perfect size. But as society brashly asserts that a womans value is wrapped up in how she looks, there is another voice a softer voice whispering her worth. Our Father in Heaven, in His infinite wisdom, sees not the outward appearance but perceives the beauty of the heart and the worth of a soul. Through meaningful stories, scriptures, and examples, motivational speaker Jodi Marie Robinson lovingly reminds daughters of God of all ages, shapes, and sizes that the only true path to happiness is to measure your value as the Lord does: She is more precious than rubies

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sometimes we wonder how, with so many people on earth, we matter to God. Like birdsongs in a city of sounds, answers to our prayers are easy to miss—unless we’re listening. Through inspiring personal stories, scripture, and prose, Heaven’s Just A Prayer Away answers many questions about communicating with and drawing closer to Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven.
Diony George is a dear friend of mine.  And I am so excited to share with you a brief description of her new book:

“Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let they heart be full of thanks unto God.” –Alma 37:37
Before we came to earth, we lived in heavenly realms. We knew our Heavenly Father. We walked and talked with Him. We heard His voice. We felt His love. In Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away, beloved author Diony George teaches us how to reestablish that relationship with Him here on earth.

Praise for Heaven's Just A Prayer Away:
"Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away is a sweet, heartfelt book with author Diony George’s personal experiences intermixed with compelling stories about how prayer can shape our lives. I found myself either smiling or teary-eyed as I immersed myself in the stories, reminded that prayer is healing and sanctifying, prayer can bring inspiration, prayer can ease burdens, and prayer lets us feel the love of God for ourselves and those around us.
Heather B. Moore, author of Christ’s Gifts to Women

"In Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away, Diony provides a comprehensive discussion on prayer through inspiring stories, basic principles, and heartfelt testimony. Her personal approach makes answers to prayer and divine blessings seem more within reach."
—John McConkie, stake president
Meet the Author:
Diony George is a wife, stay-at-home mom of seven, grandmother of three, motivational speaker, and the author of four books. Through her writing and public speaking she loves helping others draw closer to God. An avid reader whose favorite genre is romantic suspense, Diony also loves to travel, sew, and bake—especially pies and homemade bread. Born and raised in Alaska, she currently resides in Salt Lake City with her husband and family. Mrs. George can be reached through her personal website at http://www.dionygeorge.com
Purchase Links below:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My New Book Cover

My next book will be released August 2013. Can't wait to share the message. You are precious to God--more precious than rubies.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Al Foxhead Fireside

What a fabulous evening last Sunday was!  Al Fox gave a fireside to friends and family at my home.  We met her sweetheart of a fiance and were inspired by Al's message to choose God and choose happiness. :-) 
Al, I am blessed to call you friend. Thanks for inspiring our kids, parents and spouses.
Check out her blog at www.alfoxshead.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Desert News: Mothers Day

For all you mothers, here is an INSPIRATIONAL story of mine featured in the
DESERET NEWS, May 8, 2013. 

Here is the link:  Art of Motherhood

This memory always brings a smile to my face.:))

A few years ago, a neighbor brought my 3-year-old daughter home after a play date and asked me a funny question: “Zoey says she’s never eaten a chocolate chip cookie before. Is that true?”
“Well, that’s weird,” I responded. “Because we have cookie … ”

I stopped before I finished my sentence. My family knows when I say, “Let’s make cookies,” what I really mean is “Let’s make cookie dough!” The truth is that we hardly ever make it to the baking part. Once the mixing is done, I eagerly hand out spoons, and we all indulge in a delicious, sugary feast. Cookie dough was how I should have finished that sentence but I was scared to say it. Guilt began to drizzle through my veins as I worried what this woman would think if she knew the truth: that I willingly give my kids raw dough.

But then something miraculous happened. The older-than-40 side of my brain took over, and instead of continuing to second-guess myself, as we mothers so often do, I swallowed a spoonful of pride and heartily confessed that I had never made cookies using flaxseed, tofu, or wheat berries, and that, yes, my children did eat raw cookie dough, and that although broccoli was best, I believed that cookie dough wouldn’t kill you. My quick reaction stunned my neighbor and surprised me a little, too. Seconds later, we both toppled over in hardy laughter at the hilarious thought that, to my little daughter, a cookie was a gooey blob on a spoon.

That incident turned out to be a needed moment of clarity. You see, mothers too often compare and contrast, evaluate and estimate their mothering capabilities, failing to celebrate and delight in their uniqueness. They heap on spoonfuls of guilt for what they are not instead of celebrating who they are. It would do every mother good to constantly remember what author Jill Churchill said: “There’s no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.” Good advice, especially for new moms.

After my first baby was born, I flew back East to visit my parents. I had put my baby to bed and found my mother in the kitchen washing and drying dishes. The routine of it entranced me and flooded my mind with memories of all the things my mother had done for me as a child — sewing me a dress for the school play, driving me and my friends to get shakes, making me sack lunches and being sure to include one of her famous napkin notes inside, and a myriad of things that would take all night to list. My mother was there for me. And good mothering boils down to that one basic ingredient. Motherhood is the art of being there.

Standing on my porch, fiercely defending my cookie dough stance helped me to realize that I hoped for one thing: That someday my children would see me in the way I saw my mother. That they would say, “When I was little, my mother used to gather us around the kitchen counter and hand us each a spoon … ” I hope they remember that I was there, freshly baked cookies or not.

So, whenever you start to feel those drizzles of doubt, remember to be present in the moment as you are mothering your children. Whether you’re helping them with homework, watching their dance moves, coaxing them to clip their fingernails, or cheering them on from the bleachers, remember that you are there. And that’s all your children really need.

Jodi Marie Robinson is a wife, a mother of four and an inspirational speaker. She teaches motivational and life-skills classes to women recovering from drug addiction at a treatment center in Salt Lake City.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Young women's Activities

I see so many wonderful theme ideas, when I speak at Young Womens gatherings. I plan on sharing some others in the next few months.
A Young Womens group in Sandy, Utah, used my book "A ROYAL GUARDIAN" as the theme for their New Beginnings night. They wrapped up a book for each girl and placed it in a treasure box.  Different colored objects were placed in glass jars across the piano to represent the values that the young women were to guard. We talked about what it means to be a guardian and make choices that coexist with gospel values in everyday situations. It was a wonderful evening. The shield and helmut came from a local costume rental shop.
You could easily recreate this theme by having a discussion about the characteristics that Joan of Arc displayed, to introduce what it means to guard something that is precious.  Michael S. Wilcox's book, "Ten Great Souls Souls I Want to Meet in Heaven" has an excellent chapter devoted to her.  It's worth buying the book, studying it and using it as your guide for teaching a true principle: guarding your values. 

Also, using the description of the values in  my book, you can then discuss how you guard that value against worldy in fluences.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Day With Al Fox

Click on the sidebar to LISTEN to an audio version of this post.

On Friday, I met and had lunch with blogger sensation Al Fox, tagged as the “tattooed Mormon", who recently splashed the cover of LDS Living magazine and Deseret news.  Give her three seconds to introduce herself, and you’ll be so captivated by her down-to-earth, jubilant personality, not to mention her giant, blue eyes and incessant smile, that those tattoos will just fade into the background. 
With a deadline fast-approaching for the last chapter for my upcoming book, I believed that Al’s story would add some depth to my pages.  So, I asked her for an interview.  Before I met her, I had written this intro:  “No greater happiness exists than knowing who you are and understanding that you matter.  Knowing that you are cherished and loved by an almighty God, at all times, even when you think you are the least lovable, is a priceless gift.” 

Fittingly, after meeting Al, that thought was completely Al-worthy. 

Al’s new-found fame has taken her completely by surprise.  Even our waitress asked, “Are you the girl on that blog?  I just read your post, and I loved it!”  Her blog reached one million hits that morning!  And that post, about getting past judgments and overcoming being offended, hit a sweet spot with Mormons and non-Mormons everywhere.  Her frank, honest-to-a-fault openness, mixed with genuine, heart-felt compassion, makes her the perfect role model for anyone who is not perfect—AKA—EVERYONE.

Through her blog, Al shares her story of converting to the LDS Church, in New York, in spite of reservations from friends and family, then packing up and moving to, of all places, the most conservative city on the planet, Provo, Utah, not knowing a single soul, and not worrying that her red, orange and green, body art might draw some undue attention. Being afraid is not what Al Fox is about.  

She was fearless, in fact, when she talked to the Mormon missionaries in 2009, in her home town of Rochester.  After all, she said, “I was happy and not looking for God.”  She then decided to get the Elders “off her back” by making them a deal.  If the clean-cut, white-shirted Elders would bring her a steak dinner, she would promise to read their book.  The Elders brought steak.  And Al read the book and what she learned was totally unexpected.  

She said she could feel that God valued her soul and her eternal salvation enough to provide her with a Savior, and, after reading it, she knew it was time to change.  Bad habits had to be left behind.  After her baptism, she wrote to the mission president and told him, “I feel anxious more than anything else. Anxious to tell my story, anxious to talk about everything I have learned, anxious to teach what I know from my experiences.  Anxious to motivate and inspire others.”  And she has done just that!  Al created a blog and began filming YouTube videos to talk about experiences she had being Mormon.  Including ones about being judged for what she looks like. Does she feel judged?  Consider this.  I mean, how would you respond if a complete stranger saw you holding the scriptures said to you, “It’s ironic to see a girl that looks like you holding that book.”  That happened to her on her first day in Utah, standing in line for tacos at Café Rio. And how did she respond? 

She said, “I turned to this man and introduced myself. Shook his hand. And I smiled so big and simply said, ‘I just got baptized, this is my first day here!’  I said it with happiness. I said it with pride. With confidence.”  

Al explained that she had a choice to make.  To choose to be offended or to share her story.  She chose to share her story.  That she had found God and she wasn’t going to let anything stop her from enjoying it was her intent.  She explained to me what she explains to anyone who will listen, that that man did not know her story.  That she had left New York.  Her home.  Her friends.  Her family.  Everything she knew to find out what God had in store for her.  And she discovered, like Nephi of old, that God would not build her a boat but that he would teach how to build one. God definitely is helping Al build something. 

Her identity as the “tattooed Mormon” allows her to tell the story of how a girl with a past can be transformed into someone who recognizes the worth of a soul as being precious to God and living every day like you believe it!  And she does believe it!  Her love of God is contagious!  It simply cannot be contained.  She has to write about.  Talk about it.  And make videos about it.  She wants you to get past the red, green, and orange swirls, decorating her arms and legs, and get inside her head and inside her heart, which makes it possible to build bridges of understanding and pave the way for others to follow her example and walk back into the arms of Jesus Christ. 

Forgiveness and repentance are gospel principles Al portrays effortlessly, and I believe, that because she does she will be the reason many find their way back.  Al has chosen to come out of the world, has chosen to leave it behind, but still has allowed her past to teach others how they, too, can embrace fully the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

To judge?  Or not to judge?  And more importantly . . . how do we judge like Christ?  I think of the woman taken in adultery.  Do you stand with the crowd, holding a rock in your fist, aimed and ready to throw?  Or, do you choose grace and kneel down in the sand next to Jesus and beg for the woman’s release?  I would hope I would choose the sand.   

Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly?  

I know how sad I feel when someone judges me.  I can still feel the sting of judgment when someone ridiculed my children and I came back swinging.  There was no understanding that day.  Not for me and not for the person judging me.  We stood on opposite sides of the fence.  And there were no bridges to cross.  And we both lost. 

Al Fox is all about building bridges.  So, how can we follow her example?  And not let what is on the outside stop us from getting to know what is on the inside?  How can we talk about not judging a book by its cover and actually give someone a chance? 

One week ago, my family was in Moab doing some hiking at Arches National Park.  We stopped at a gas station to get drinks.  One of the employees was outside smoking.  She happened to be pregnant.  I glanced over and my first reaction was, “What is she thinking being pregnant and smoking!”  Out of the blue, a quote I had seen on Pinterest popped into my head that said, “Don’t judge her.  You don’t know the storms I have asked her to walk through.”  

I went inside to get my drink.  By the time I was ready to pay, she was off her break and standing behind the register ready to help me.  She smiled and asked how my day was going.  And guess what?  The only thing I felt for her was acceptance and L-O-V-E. 

I did not know her story.  And I refused to give into my first inclination to judge her.  
After all, I did not know her story.  I got back in my car and said a prayer for her.  Tears hit my cheeks, as I pleaded with God to watch over her and help her in the upcoming months leading up to her giving birth.  That is exactly what Al would have wanted me to do!  And that is what God wants all of us to do.  So, how do we stop allowing judgment to keep us from loving like God loves?  
The boy with the gauges in his ears.
The girl with piercings in her eyebrows and lip. 
The quiet classmate who stands against the wall, staring at the floor, with no one to talk to. 
The girl who dresses immodestly. The neighbor or co-worker who talks, dresses, and acts different?
What would Al say? 
Get to know them.  You might just like them.  And actually.  Love them. 
Al Fox’s beauty lies, not in her beach-blonde waves, and dazzling blue eyes, but in the part of her you can’t see but you can feel.  Her heart.  It’s as big as the planet!  

She has discovered she is God’s handiwork at work!  Just look at her calendar!  She is traveling all over giving youth firesides, speaking at Especially for Youth, sharing her conversion story on her blog, preparing to write a book, and changing lives.  Sure her tattoos tell the story of a past life.  But she isn’t focused on that because she is too busy being focused on the future.  

For Al, what did not make sense three-and-half years ago at her baptism makes perfect sense now.  That being “different” would be the tool God would use to help shape her mission and help her help others who want to find their way back to God. 

“I never talk about who I was.  I only talk about who I am becoming,” Al says, piling a second helping of endless salad on her plate.  Her smile guarantees she means it, and there is no shame in that.  Only beauty. 

To anyone afraid of returning to the gospel or joining in because of imperfections, Al says “Come!”  She would approve of my saying, no matter where you have been, just put it all out there. Don’t duck and hide and let mistakes define you.  Embrace them.  Breathe them in and exhale them out.  And put your arms around anyone who needs reassurance and encouragement.  Keep on trying!  Change is not easy.  And it is definitely not a solo journey. 

After our third plate of salad, it was time to leave.  She ran her fingers through her hair and checked her phone one last time.  Her special someone was texting her.  He sounded like a fantastic guy!  Lucky to have a girl like Al!  

Thank you, AL FOX!  I feel blessed to have met you in person.  You are a gem of a human being meant to do incredible things!  I want you to know that I’m taking full credit for introducing you to my favorite soup—Zupa Toscana!  You can thank me later.  Perhaps, a steak dinner will suffice.  :))

Go to Al Fox's blog and YouTube videos click HERE

Saturday, March 16, 2013

How has Christ changed you?  And would you be willing to YouTube and blog about it?

Well, YOU are going to love this GIRL!!!!!
Al Fox?  
Have you seen or heard about her?
I was blown away by her story. 

I love her honesty.  
I love her realness.
I love her beauty.
Al joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints three years ago,
and is anxiously sharing with the world how it has changed her.  
She is on the cover of LDS LIVING magazine.  And through her blog and videos, she is sharing the message of Christ with anyone who will listen.


Thanks to my friend, Holly, for introducing me to this story!  
Holly, you knew how much I would adore it!

Here is AL's blog and video links. 
Al Fox on YOUTUBE  Al Fox on YOUTUBE

Seriously, spend the next 10 minutes reading and watching and you will be changed for the good!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I will be signing my newest book, A Royal Guardian, during two events in the next couple of weeks.  Come say hello!

March 23, 2013
9 .m. - 11 a.m.
Seagull Book at The District in South Jordan, Utah
Celebrating Sisterhood 

April 6, 2013 (It's conference weekend so it's a great Ladies night out!)
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Deseret Book in Draper Peaks, Draper, Utah
Ladies Night Out 

Book Review from Shauna -- "What an incredible way to instill the Young Women Values! A princess is turning 12.... which is the age of the 'guardianship.' She has been put in charge of guarding 8 values. She is also given a bracelet from her father, the King. And each night she receives a gem to put into her bracelet. White Diamond - Faith Blue Sapphire - Divine Nature Red Garnet - Individual Worth Green Emerald - Knowledge Orange Fire Opal - Choice & Accountability Yellow Citrine - Good Works Purple Amethyst - Integrity Gold - Virtue As she practices the value that each gem represents that gem grows brighter. But what happens when she loses sight of the bracelet or doesn't guard the value? Read to find out :)"

Friday, March 8, 2013

Book Review: A Gaze Into Heaven

How would you like to gaze into heaven for just 5 minutes?   

Even seconds?  

How would it change you? 

What would you tell people?  

Many people have spent time on the other side of the veil and have a story to tell.  Author Marlene Sullivan spent countless hours in university libraries and Church archives documenting near-death experiences. Her book, Gaze Into Heaven includes true accounts from early Church members who gazed into heaven and lived to tell their story. It's touching.  It's inspirational.  And leaves you full of hope.  

I am pleased to be part of her blog tour.  

Here is an interview with Marlene.  

How did you come up with the book title?

The title came from a quote from Joseph Smith.  He said; “All men know that they must die . . . it is important that we should understand the reasons . . . of life and of death, and the designs and purposes of God in our coming into the world . . . and our departure hence. . . It is a subjectwe ought to study more than any other. . . Could you gaze into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading all that was ever written on the subject.” Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Period I, vol. 6, (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 9 October, 1843), 50.

I became fascinated by the idea that if we could ‘gaze into heaven’ for even just 5 minutes, we would know more than studying for days and weeks!  Incredible. 

What kind of research did you do?

I lived in libraries for a while. J  I did some research at BYU, the University of Utah, and Utah State; however, the majority of experiences came from the Church History Library and the Church Archives.  I pored through old newspapers, early church magazines, and, in the archives, looked at countless collections of papers, journals, letters, and microfilms.

What was your inspiration for writing the book?

It might sound a little cheesy, but my main focus was . . . to increase faith and testimonies.  After finding and reading these experiences, I was so touched that I wanted to share them with everyone!  I wanted people to know that God exists, that He loves us, and that the gospel is true.  I wanted people to know through reading these stories that life is but a fleeting moment and we should take advantage of our time here to learn and grow.

What will people gain from reading your book?

I hope it will build people’s testimonies.  One lady wrote me and said; “I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! I can't even tell you how grateful I am to you for writing it. My 12 year old nephew died in May and this has been a healing balm to my soul. I can't wait to send a copy to my brother. I have always been afraid to die, but not now. This book has power in its pages. It feels like hallowed ground just gazing into the cover.”

I was very touched by her email.  

I hope people will be inspired to try a little harder and do a little better.  To know that all acts of kindness mean so much, and to realize that this life is not just a testing period, but a chance for us to grow and learn. I hope people come away from this book with a firmer conviction that life continues on and that if we endure our trials patiently and learn from them, great blessings await us in the next life.

What are you most proud of in finishing the book?

The emotion I mostly feel is thankfulness to God for giving me an opportunity to serve Him by collecting these experiences so that others may read them. I know these experiences are of great worth to those who read them. 

What does your book teach us that will help us in our daily lives?

I believe that near-death experiences give us a better understanding of what is important in life, here and now.  It teaches us that this life is a time to learn and increase our knowledge of the gospel. It will help us become better people. We can benefit from the insights given by these near death experience and use them to re-evaluate our own lives—to see what changes we could make to improve. Learning about the next life can help us use our time on earth to be more productive. 

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More about the author:  

Marlene Bateman Sullivan was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in English. She is married to Kelly R. Sullivan and they are the parents of seven children.  Her hobbies are gardening, camping, and reading.  Marlene has been published extensively in magazines and newspapers and has written a number of non-fiction books, including:  Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines, And There Were Angels Among Them, Visit’s From Beyond the Veil, By the Ministering of Angels, and Brigham’s Boys. Marlene also wrote the best-selling novel, Light on Fire Island.