Friday, January 6, 2012

Fighting Against Pornography

I am a FIGHTER.  
Are you?  

So, TEENS and PARENTS...we HAVE to start talking about the NEW drug.  


It's not a pretty word.   I know.

I've been teaching recovering drug addicts for 11 years...and the drug I'm most worried about is...pornography.  It's highly addictive and destructive.

And we stop it only by educating ourselves and our kids about what it is and how harmful it is.
And by just saying NO!  

How can we STOP it?  We start having a conversation with EVERYONE we know.

I've seen this group "Fight the NEW Drug" and they are cutting edge fabulous!  Great for WHITE RIBBON WEEK at your schools.  Their assemblies (as the kids say) ROCK!!!!  These guys are right on our TEENS level.  It's all scientific, so no religion, or morality plays a part, for those of you worried about that.  And they do it just like the TRUTH campaign did for tobacca and smoking.  I am SOOOO on board.  This group is NATIONAL, so if you are outside of Utah they travel.  It's a national movement on college campuses as well.  So look for your local chapter.  AND it's working!  They have several YOUTUBE videos  reaching out to teens.  Here's just one of them.  Learn more on their website.  Link below.


  1. Jodi, I receive their newsletter. This is a great write-up. Do you mind if I copy-n-past it onto my blog and facebook too? I'm all about spreading the word!

    Hope y'all had a beautiful Christmas and that your New Year is happy, bright, and blessed!! I sure think it would fun to do lunch sometime and get caught up on each other's lives. IF you were here, or me there!!!

    Big hugs!

    1. Thanks...and yes feel free to use it how you wish. Lunch would be great! We'd have much to talk about. :)
