Saturday, April 12, 2014

So you're not ENOUGH? -- the new book Power to Become by Elder Bednar can help

Ever struggle with feeling like you don't measure up to Christ's standards of PERFECTION? 

The scripture in Matthew 5:48, "be ye therefore perfect", can be a daunting commandment.  

But, the word PERFECT originally meant WHOLE and COMPLETE.  And guess what?  You can do WHOLE!  And you can do COMPLETE!  Because Jesus Christ makes us whole and complete, through His EVERLASTING ATONEMENT. :)   Yay! 

Holding yourself accountable to impeccably, high standards is a good thing.  But knowing you’re going to fall short—in some way—each and every day--that can be discouraging.  But Christ is about motivation.  Not about discouragement.

If the doctrine behind the call to BE PERFECT is understood correctly, new ways of being can be achieved.  That’s why I love Elder Bendnar’s new book.  

First, it’s not a book about BEING perfect.
It’s about BECOMING perfect.
And there’s a difference.  Thank goodness J

In it, he defines BECOMING PERFECT as losing the desire for sin (page 2);  compares BECOMING to climbing UP a ladder, one rung at a time (page 2); and teaches that perfection WILL COME "line up line, and precept upon precept" (page 3).  His message is BECOMING PERFECT is a "process to be pursued" (page 8). 

So breathe J

Looking at the scripture "be ye therefore perfect" as an INVITATION to BECOME perfect allows us to develop our CONFIDENCE, so we can become like the Savior.  Because, eventually, with His help, we can become anything we put our heart and mind to.

There are commandments we CAN BE PERFECT in keeping.  Paying 100% tithing.  Not stealing.  Not lying.  Among others.  The commandment to Not Bear False Witness is one we don't think of very often, but recently, I did.  I had a sad and heart-wrenching experience, where I felt false witness was being born against me.  In my sorrow and heartache, I sought the Savior's healing.  I turned to Him and the scriptures, pleading for His tutelage.  I could feel, through the spirit, Him reminding me, “I'm here to help you BECOME like me, as often as you need me to."
I could do nothing about what was said about me, or the course that those words would ensue.  I was reminded that through the Atonement of a Savior—who loves me AND my accusers--I could feel whole and complete, again.

At my core, I could feel Christ was not my accuser, as so often we think Him to be.  He is not that at all!  He is our ADVOCATE.  And, in this circumstance, that title gave me the most comfort  Digging deep, I found comfort in him leading to me to Elder Holland’s teaching:  "The race is NOT against each other.  The race is against SIN." 

Too, often, mortal beings want to compare, compete, and correct.  None of us should be on the receiving end of those judgments.  Although, I felt, I was wrongly accused, I could learn from the experience.  Because I certainly wasn't perfect reacting to the accusations of my accusers.  But, in Christ--eventually--I will BE. :))  Because, in this life, with Christ's help, I AM BECOMING.

IMPERFECT people.  That's who we are.  And we are trying to BECOME better.  And, guess what?   God sees beauty in it . . . He sees beauty in our imperfection because He sees beauty for ashes.  Perfection is going to take a while and Christ knows that.  And He's actually okay with it.  :)) 

We need to be okay with it, too. :))  
And understand that in our striving and yearning to do all we can do we are BECOMING MORE, and to Him, we are already enough.  

With love and friendship,

If you are interested, President Bednar, along with his lovely wife, teach how to think about becoming like Christ while struggling to be enough.  Definitely worth watching.  More videos can be found on Youtube. 

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