Thursday, April 8, 2010

Live for Time and for Eternity

I ran into an old acquaintenance recently.  She told me she remembered me singing in the junior high talent show.  Ah, the 80s.  Big permed hair and leg warmers.  I humbly replied, "Oh!  You remember that.  I hope you don't remember what I was wearing."  Ha.  Ha. 

I thought about my my slick, satin pants with my sparkly red, sequin top.  Oh, dear.  That was an outfit I'd like to forget.  After some short pleasantries with this friend, our visit ended but it got me thinking. What are we going to be remembered for?  And, better yet, how do we want to be remembered?

We need to ask ourselves this question each day so that we stay focussed on what is most important.  How we will be remembered will be determined by how we spend our time. 

In this past weekend's General Conference, I heard this wonderful quote:  We live for time and for eternity. It's the best quote of whole conference!  How would you like to be remembered as someone who lived for time and for eternity?  What does that look like?  How does someone who lives for time and for eternity spend her time?  How does she live?  How does she serve?  How does she give? 

Living for time and for eternity is the concept of begining with the end in mind.  Looking to the future and charting a steady course along the straight and narrow path.  When you live for time only, your choices are different than when you live for eternity.  Eternity brings time into persepctive.  The difference between right and wrong crystalizes. 

Never before has so much been expected of a generation. Never before has so much been given.  We've been told we've been prepared, called, and chosen. This is our time!  How will we spend it?  Time will tell what we value, what we hold precious and dear.  We don't have time to waste or squander.  Once it's spent we can never it get it back. 

Let us not become "distracted, delayed, or disqualified from...doing the very work [we] have been prepared and reserved to do" (Elaine S. Dalton).

Let us live for time and for eternity.  Let us be the generation that keeps our eye on the prize. 

And, by the way, the song I sang in the Union Middle School talent show?  Ice Castles  (oh, the memories)

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