Monday, February 11, 2013

Book Launch Party - A Royal Guardian

Eight-year-olds are so much FUN!

Last week, I hosted a group of my youngest daughter's friends for a book launch party.
They squealed with delight when I handed them each a copy of A Royal Guardian.
I doubled over with laughter when high-spirited Sophia said to me,
"I really admire your work. Will you sign my book?"

Wish every book signing could go as well.  :))

My book is only $4.99 at Deseret Book and$3.99 at Seagull Book.
So, it's a great price-point and makes it easy to share it cost-effectively
with small groups of Activity Day Girls
or Young Women.

So, here's my version of a  
book club.  


Paper plates and a paper napkin for the placemat.  
Fruit snacks and cut-up apples. 
Plastic crowns and jeweled rings 
(I found these in the party section at Wal-Mart for $1.00 and $2.00.)

The girls each made a bookmark.

 1-ribbon, 20-white and purple beads (Hobby Lobby), and stretch bead string
2-foam stickers (both of the same shape)
and 2-larger, shaped decorative beads (I used butterflies)
your trust glue glun
To make the bookmark:  First, you bead the beads onto the stretch string.  Tie your knot at the bottom.  Put a blog of hot glue on the bottom of the ribbon, and place about an inch of empty string in the glue blob.  Take one of your foam stickers and place it on top of the string and glue blob.  Then turn the ribbon over, and put a glue blob where the foam sticker is on the other side, and place the 2nd foam sticker on top of the first one, with the ribbon in the middle, like a sandwich.  

The girls also decorated cards, using foam stickers and colored paper.

 Before the party, I filled one baggie per girl with the bookmark supplies.

 I filled my jars with pink marshmallows for decorations.  

If you're someone who looks at Pinterest photos 
and thinks for a second that the beautiful party pictures 
are nice, neat, and ALWAYS organized the entire time the party is happening?  
This is for YOU!

Here is my before party pic.

And here is my AFTER pic.  

Yep!  THIS IS REALITY, Ladies!  

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